Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery and British Shorthair Kittens Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery and British Shorthair Kittens

Anahata Beyonce

color: chocolate

birth date: 25-Jul-12
age: 11 year 9 month 23 days
breeder: Anna Shulman

litters :  I1  M1  T1


kitten photos

Personality and Information

Beyonce is incredible baby we had in the cattery. Her personality is like a dog that will follow you from room to room and roam everywhere to see what happens. She is very active and curious. She has very nice and solid body type and very nice chocolate color. We are planning to have her kittens by the end 2013.
Blood type A.

Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery

Sir: Anahata TJ
BRI c - lilac

Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery

Dam: Anahata Bagheera
BRI b - chocolate



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