Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery and British Shorthair Kittens Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery and British Shorthair Kittens

Golden Mramur Ora of Anahata

BRI ny 22
color: golden classic tabby

birth date: 11-Feb-16
age: 8 year 3 month 7 days
breeder: Tatiana Zavlkevich

litters :  W2


Personality and Information

Ora came to our cattery all way from Russia, as many other cats. She is sensitive and sweet female. Preferably looking got hoe without other cats.
Blood Type A
Do not carry chocolate

Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery

Sir: Ilushka Golden Mramur
BRI ny 22 64 - black golden classic tabby

Anahata - British Shorthair Cattery

Dam: Fradges Mur Golden Olivia
BRI ny 25 - black golden tikked tabby



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